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How Patakara Can Improve Your Health

Video showing interactions of the mimetic muscles in the facial region.

Mimetic muscles wear down with age


There is an important group of muscles which play an important role in anti-aging. This specialised group of muscles are known as the mimetic muscles because they are the subcutaneous muscles which connect the skin to the bone. As a result, these muscles are responsible for facial expression. Current perspectives on anti-aging are focused almost exclusively on our external appearance and the the majority of people do not understand the importance of the mimetic muscles. Therefore, overlook the ability to train these muscles to counter the signs of aging.


With the use of Patakara, there is a proper technique for training these mimetic muscles to reduce the signs of aging by slowing down muscle wear. Unlike skeletal muscles which both ends are fixed at onto bone, only one end of the mimetic muscles is fixed to bone. Thus, discovering a way to fix and immobilise the other end of the mimetic muscles will enable us to train these muscles effectively. This would mean, even aged and older muscles are able to recover their function, movement and at the same time restore muscle tone. This immobilisation was achieved by placing one hand to the side of the head while at the same time using your other hand to pull on the handle of the device.

The benefits of Patakara facial therapy

1. Beauty: Orbicularis oris muscles are mostly composed of cheek muscles and thin facial expressive muscle tissue, and its muscle wear is due to aging. The fact that most of these muscles are connected means that using Patakara facial therapy allows the training of the orbicularis oris muscles leading to muscle tone and improved beauty.

2. Altering oral breathing during sleep: research shows that human chest muscles, originating from skeletal and organal muscles have formed to their present state through complex structural relationships. Therefore complex relationships exists between chest muscles and various health disorders. Training the facial muscles using Patakara helps strengthen these muscles which, when the mouth is close causes the tongue to rise and touch the pallet of the oral cavity. The training of facial muscles can be used to improve the condition of swallowing, voice disorders and Obstructive Sleep Apnea Sydrome, OSAS. 

3. Promoting increased and more dynamic brain function: Using light topography, it can be observed that the right frontal cortex of the brain has increased blood flow once exercise has commenced using Patakara. This area of the brain is a control centre and when blood flow is increased in this area, overall brain activity and function is increased.

Thermograph showing temperature before use of Patakara. Blue = Low temperature, Red = High temperature

Thermograph showing temperature after use of Patakara. Body temperature has increased in both facial and neck regions.

Expose the sternocleidomastoid muscle and sternoclavicular bone


To effectively train facial muscles, we need to first understand the differences between mimetic and skeletal muscles and then to apply stress in a correct manner and train these muscles regularly on a daily basis. Skeletal muscles are connected to bones at both ends. It is a type of muscle where the effects of training are quickly seen. Mimetic muscles are connected to the bones at one end and attached to muscle or skin at the other end. Thus, there is a disadvantage of as one side of the muscle moves while the other end is fixed to the brain.


In order to accelerate the effects of training mimetc muscles, it is possible to use your hand to press down on one cheek to achieve the same effects of training of skeletal muscles. The final aim is to clearly expose the sternocleidomastoid muscle and sternoclavicular bone (collar bone). Using thermography, it is possible to observe the effects of exercise on this group of muscles. Without being able to immobilise one end of the muscle, it is not possible to perform effective stress exercise on these muscles. Without an effective exercise, it is not possible to recover the activity and achieve anti-aging effects on the mimetic muscles. Effects from the training can be observed in 2 months at the latest.

Lip strength, from a scientific perspective


Lip strength is the measure of your ability to close your mouth. During sleep, our muscles are mostly relaxed including our facial muscles. When you have weak facial muscles this means that you have weak lip strength which leads to oral respiration. As a result, your mouth would open during sleep, which causes the root of the tongue, pharynx and surrounding muscles to retract and collapse obstructing the respiratory tract and may cause health disorders. When lip strength is increased, the tongue rises and touches the pallet of the oral cavity. When this sufficient lip strength is achieved, the body naturally switches to nasal respiration therefore oxygen uptake is increased. Whereas those who have weak lip strength will have less amounts of oxygen due to the blocking of the airway. The lack of oxygen will cause the majority of oxygen-rich blood to be transferred to the brain, causing high activity in the brain but preventing the user's ability to enter a deep sleep.

The sympathetic nerve system will be active even during sleep and break the complementation between the sympathetic nerve system and parasympathetic nerve system. Lack of deep sleep will lead to development of chronic disease as the brain is essentially still switched on. Oxygen is essential for living and the lack of oxygen during sleep is the reason for accelerated aging. Breathing air are different when awake and when sleeping. Oral respiration results in evaporation of the saliva which can lead to inflammation, infection and bad breath. The throat cavity becomes inflamed and swells in size, which blocks the airway which can result in a lack of oxygen for the body.


Lip Trainer: Patakara - Prevent sleep apnea, diabetes, high blood pressure

In many sciences, discoveries have been made non-deliberately. In nursing homes and hospitals that have been using PATAKARA to research into eating, voice generation, saliva swallowing, the nurses first reaction was that patients began to enjoy food more, cases of constipation decreased and the effects of the sympathetic nerve system were observed. At the same time, doctors have noted that the number of patients with decreased blood-sugar levels and decreased blood pressure had increased. This has actually been documented in some books about OSAS.


The lack of oxygen during sleep and the pressure on the brain during sleep are one of the main causes of high blood pressure and diabetes. Senior people without teeth are unable to escape lower oral cavity bone shrinking, the lowering of tongue bone, swallowing difficulties , problem with voice generation, and lack of oxygen. If people suffering from these conditions do not perform lip exercises to maintain the raising of the tongue bone, this will lead to developments of the conditions mentioned above, leading to the use of chronic medicines which usually have undesired side effects. The following cases are from doctors who regularly use PATAKARA to train and strengthen the facial muscles. 

1. Xerostomia case: Dentists who have used PATAKARA to train their facial muscles have noticed an increase in saliva in the mouth. After introducing this same treatment to patients, the patients also experienced the same effects and therefore enthusiastically welcomed this treatment. Other reports have found that dry-eye conditions can also be improved gradually. Da-ban Dr Zi-shui arthritis specialists believe that in some people arthritis develops due to lack of good breathing and oxygen during sleep.


In arthritis patients, patients also suffer from dry-eye and xerostomia, and Sjorgren syndrome. After letting these patients Patakara facial training 4-6 times daily, they were more likely to fall asleep due to improved breathing and sufficient uptake of oxygen. After 6 months, all Sjorgren syndrome symptoms had improved. Dr Zi-shui's best method was to use a blood analysis to confirm the improvement of the symptoms of the patients. The decrease in SSA antibodies in patients with Sjorgren syndrome meant that they had been cured. The result achieved from this treatment will subsequently be published in medical journals. 

2. The relationship of the parasympathetic nerve system: Health-conscious people are aware of the effects of the parasympathetic nerve system. Doing abdominal breathing will improve blood circulation in the arms and hands. Therefore it is popular for them to perform abdominal breathing exercises. After using a thermograph to measure the temperature change and comparison between cases of doing abdominal exercises or doing PATAKARA exercises after three minutes, comparisons showed that PATAKARA exercises were more effective in stimulation the parasympathetic nerve system. 

3. The results from using light topography: Using the light topography we can observe which region of the brain has an increase in blood circulation. Maintaining a balance in blood flow within the brain, is crucial for maintaining normal brain function. The most ideal is to accumulate blood in the frontal cortex of the brain, then distributing this blood to different parts of the brain. For example, the action of using the hand to hit a table will cause a blood flow change in the side part of the brain. This shows that there is a relationship between the hand and the side of the brain. However, this does not mean repeating the action from the hand will be able to enhance the function of the brain.


In Japan's North-East university, Prof. Zuo zuo mu published in his thesis mentioned that in studies of swallowing, cough strength in old people, people suffering from Alzheimer's disease, and brain disease, the results showed people with Alzhiemer's disease but had otherwise healthy bodies had worse reaction ability than healthy old people. The reaction ability of people with brain disease was the worst out of the three groups of people studied. This means that as long as the brain function is normal, then the reaction ability will also be good. This also means that conditions we commonly associate with aging are also associated with a decrease in brain function (blood flow decrease).


Normal Japanese people believe, regularly chewing/biting things can prevent the development of Alzheimer's disease and similar symptoms. To prove the truth in this belief, we have asked five dentists to assist in this investigation. Firstly, let them only use masticatory muscle while chewing gum. Then ask them to continue chewing gum while using light topography to monitor blood flow in the frontal cortex of brain. Increasing lip strength can cure Alzheimer's disease and similar symptoms. 

4. When sleep reaches the deep sleep stage, the body will secrete growth factors. Normally people understand that growth factors have a significant impact on children. It also has an effect in degrading fat and strengthening muscle in adults, and also preventing depression. In 2004, all students in a primary school were subjected to treatment using PATAKARA for one whole year. The results showed that good quality sleep was achieved. This is due to the ability to inhale a sufficient amount of air, leading to a deep sleep stage.


Reports also document that during deep sleep, the pituitary gland secretes hormone-interfering factors and immune factors, thereby increasing the ability to counteract disease and increase immune ability. In the study with the primary school, the number of sick absentees had also decreased. From this it can be seen that oxygen supply during sleep is crucial for overall health.

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